Ralph Poppell
A fifth generation Floridian, Ralph Poppell was elected to the Florida House of Representatives in 2002 and served eight years representing the citizens of District 29, which includes portions of Brevard and Indian River Counties.
A resident of Indian River County since 1960, Representative Poppell has a unique understanding of the issues facing his community, and considered it an honor and privilege to be able to serve his state and the residents of his District as a member of the Florida Legislature.
Ralph successfully sponsored and championed several legislative priorities during his tenure in the House including; the issue of taxation on aircraft manufactured in the state, state research standards on economic demographics, petroleum contamination site cleanup, agricultural land protection, and the handling of captive wildlife. He also led a delegation to Argentina to study citrus canker mitigation efforts, and served on the Board of Space Florida.
Ralph’s professional careers span both the Citrus and Manufacturing industries. In addition to being a past Board member of the St. Lucie County Chamber of Commerce, he is past President of the St. Lucie County Farm Bureau, and Board member of the Florida Farm Bureau Federation. He is also a member of the Florida Citrus Mutual and the Florida Citrus Production Managers Association. Furthermore, Ralph is a member of the Marine Industry Association of South Florida, the National Marine Manufacturers Association, and the National Federation of Independent Business.
Ralph and his wife Connie have four children, eight grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. They are members of Genesis Baptist Church in Vero Beach.